Nicole & Donnie’s Engagement

October 16, 2014

  1. Oh my gosh, what a sweet love story! And such swoon-worthy images, as per usual! 😉

  2. Kat says:

    I love that he wore his uniform! And her shoes!! *swoon* I’m not a shoe gal, but those are awesome!

  3. Karena Dixon says:

    Love that banner and ring shot! Such a sweet session with his uniform!

  4. Dani says:

    Beautiful, beautiful!! And their story is legit a Nicholas Sparks story – they should just go ahead and make this movie. 🙂

  5. Andrea says:

    What a sweet story! LOVE the banner!

  6. Lauren C says:

    Ahhh that story!! No doubt they are meant to be 🙂
    I’m just in awe over how many different looks and views you get out of just a few select locations. Love them all!

  7. Katie says:

    These are so great!!! They seem to have so much natural chemistry together and you did a wonderful job capturing it!

  8. Isabelle says:

    What a lovely session and the couple looks SO much in love!!!

  9. Renee says:

    Natalie, beautiful images! I love their love story… how incredibly sweet! I just love the ones buy that water!

  10. Ah!! This couple is so gorgeous!! I love their little nautical banner!

  11. Caitlin says:

    ahhh they are such a cute couple!! these are amazing as always natalie!!

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