Destination Wedding Photography Tips

March 10, 2015

  1. Lauren Swann says:

    These are great tips, Nat!! I’ll definitely be coming back to these the next time I travel!

  2. External battery pack for my iPhone/iPad is next on my list!! (Thank you for the reminder, haha!!) I also highly recommend a multi-port charger for iPhones and iPads. Outlets were limited in the last couple of hotel rooms I stayed in so I picked up this charger (at the Container Store) that plugs into one but has 4 USB ports for multiple devices. Lifesaver!!!

  3. Amy Cherry says:

    Love all of these tips!! I always have a hard time consolidating and playing the “what if” game…but it comes down to essentials!

  4. Kate Ann says:

    These are wonderful tips Natalie! I love the one about putting a dress in your carry on! So smart! I also need a rest kit!

  5. Caitlin says:

    yay for travel tipssss + destination weddings!

  6. YES! great tips and advice as usual!!

  7. Renee says:

    Woo hoo! Destination weddings are my fav + this list just about nailed it!

  8. LOVE THIS!! and you!!! xoxoxo

  9. Brittany says:

    Great tips!! I wanted to ask if you’d share what kind/brand of external hard drive you use?

  10. For your destination weddings, I’ve been asked to do a Bora Bora wedding would you recommend ND filters just in case to deal with the high noon sun? I love your work!

    • Albert – I don’t use ND Filters for Portrait or Wedding Photography! Reducing the overall quantity of light won’t change the fact that midday light is harsh and direct (i.e.: the quality of the light) and therefore, I’d still opt for using open shade at the resort until golden hour! Hope that helps!

  11. I’ll take that into note. I was wondering how photographers were getting that complete blue sky unless they do heavy post work?

  12. Heather says:

    Thanks for sharing this! What a lifesaver for our upcoming international adventure.

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